Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A New Day, A New Business

I started my first business in December, 1988. I was all of 25. I thought I knew everything, I knew nothing. Today, 22 years later, I start another one. While most, and even me sometimes, think I need my head examined, this business feels awesome. The space is done, and with the help of some great supporters, looks great, the signage is snappy (again with help from a great friend and my first business Hoff Communications) and, most importantly, we are ready!

Art Space Lansdowne is ready! ASL is committed to artists. The ones who teach and the ones who want to learn. We are equally committed to the fabulous, talented artist as to the fabulous, learning artist. We are not in the judgment business, we are in the "Art is a really good thing business".  Art is good for the soul of humans and its good for the soul of communities.

Come pay us a visit. Now...I am off to have my head examined!


  1. I had your head examined, and you are probably one of the sanest women I know. But, then coming from me, that comment may be suspect. Sounds cool!

  2. Reality......

  3. Reality...

    My job as a School Board Director is separate from my life as an entrepreneur but since you went there...

    Check your facts. WPSD schools are getting better. In fact, some of your private school students are coming back to WPSD. They just are not getting a better education.

    Here is the thing. Vouchers will not help PAs education system. They will not protect property value nor will they get to the children that really need them. Most importantly they will not help our state in providing an equitable education system. That means if you are poor in PA, you will be in a poor performing school district. That is not what we want as a state is it? A good public education should not just be for the rich, it should be for all students, right?

    I encourage you to visit WPSD schools. I will in fact arrange for a tour for you if you like. There is really learning going on, real achievement. Do we have more work to do, yes, are we making progress, absolutely!

    I love being a School Board Director for WPSD. I am proud to try to help OUR children in getting the best education possible. Our communities and our schools are tied together. No one wins when there are poor achieving schools.

    I suggest we work together to make ALL of our schools the best they can be.

    Thanks for writing.

