Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lansdowne: An Introduction

Hi all,

My name is Jennifer Hoff and I am a new Community Journalist for the Delaware County Times. It will be my mission to keep you up to date on our 'Downe town (thanks Grace!).

Right from the get-go, I will tell you that there are a couple of Lansdowne sites that I think are worth bookmarking and checking very regularly.

Lansdowne Borough
The Lansdowne Economic Development Corporation
The Lansdowne Farmers Market
Go Penn Wood!

Lets make this a many-way conversation too. Feel free to ask for information about Lansdowne. If I don't know the answer, I will turn investigator and try to get the information.

I will hopefully have some guest Journalists too so feel free to offer up yourself for a blog, or even better, offer up some unsuspecting person who you think has something valuable to say.

Okay, I am off for the evening. More very soon.


PS. Your feedback is always bring it on!!!


  1. just discovered this from the delcotimes website. favorited...having just moved into this area 3 years ago, i've already seen some changes...some for the worse (more and more empty storefronts) and some for the better (less houses with FOR SALE signs. :-D). I hope 5-10 years from now, this blog will be considered a detailed account of how Lansdowne got its groove Fishtown and Brewerytown in Philly

  2. Lansdowne is definitely coming back. The empty businesses will actually lead to positive changes in the next 6 months. Watch for a blog post next week about the diner at the corner of Lansdowne and Baltimore Pike. Thanks for blogging.

  3. Hi Ms. Hoff,
    This is one of your favorite teachers at Ardmore, Ms. Martino! I came across your blog, and I was wondering when is my turn to use the ipad??? Just kidding, good luck to you.


  4. Hey! You are one of my favorites! For the iPad will have to get behind my Be well. Jennifer

  5. Hi Jennifer,

    What's happening with the Plaza in Lansdowne where the Blockbuster currently resides? It's looking pretty bare. I'm just waiting for the Blockbuster to close next. Blockbuster doesn't seem to be doing so well these days.

  6. Looking forward to Lansdowne's revitalization. We're blogging along as well.

  7. I am not sure about the Plaza but will work to find out. You are right about Blockbuster though, as they are a Billion dollars in debt (see:

    I will get some information on the Plaza int he coming weeks, stay tuned and thanks for writing.

  8. Hey Memeza!

    Nice to meet you, nice blog! First thing, do you go to the Farmers Market? Second thing, I love the environmental stuff, would you be interested in being a guest blogger with local and Lansdowne environmental tips? Email me if you are interested.
    Thanks for writing.

